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Facebook Login Button Doesn't Work on Mixcloud?

When your Facebook share image is wrong Why is My Facebook Share Image Wrong?
...and how to set it.

If a URL has previously been shared on Facebook (by anyone, anywhere), Facebook "remembers" the information associated with that URL (like the paradigm, title and clarification) even if it'south wrong or a completely blank image.

If you don't take Open Graph tags specified, Facebook tin can only do it's best to make full in the blanks for image, title and description. Since Facebook is not a mind-reader, the event is rarely what you desire and sometimes really bad.

How to fix a Wrong Facebook Share Image:

1. Bank check that you take Open up Graph Tags set up for the folio or post you are sharing

How to check if Open Graph tags are set up:

Get to the Facebook debugger (You lot need to be logged in to Facebook in order to be able to use the tool.), enter the URL you want to bank check and click the "Testify Existing Scrape Information" push button.

If your Open Graph Tags arenot specified, you will see warnings that wait like this:

Facebook Debugger Open Graph Warnings
"The' og:image' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags."

If you see these warnings....stop...You need to start specify the share image and description using Open Graph Tags.

Afterwards you have your Open up Graph tags in place, and then proceed to #two.

ii. Re-scrape your URL using the Facebook Debugger

Once you lot are sure your Open Graph tags are set, you will need to accept Facebook "re-scrape" your URL using the Facebook Debugger.

Re-scraping forces Facebook to clear out the erstwhile information it has stored about your page and recognize your updated information in the Open up Graph tags.

How to strength Facebook to Re-scrape your URL:

  1. Get to the Facebook Debugger
  2. Paste the URL for the page/postal service in the field
  3. Click the "Fetch new scrape data" button.

If you have done both of these things and the epitome or share information is still wrong, attempt clicking the "Fetch new scrape information" push button 2 or three times. Who knows why, simply sometimes it works the 2nd or third effort.

If Facebook is still not recognizing your Open Graph tags, try some of these troubleshooting tips...

Troubleshooting Errors on the Facebook Debugger

Is your website using a Caching plugin or service?

Caching plugins or services display cached information in order to save time on page load. This tin mean that your website is showing cached (sometime) information to Facebook making it impossible for Facebook to get the updated information.

After you lot gear up your Open up Graph tags, exist sure to clear the cache of your website in your caching plugin or service and so the new information will exist available for Facebook to fetch.

Plugin Conflict

Try deactivating your plugins 1 past one to encounter if any are the crusade of a conflict with Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin. You will demand to "rescrape" the URL using the Facebook debugger later deactivating each plugin to check.

Yoast WordPress SEO plugin will normally requite yous a alarm if another plugin will disharmonize with the utilise of it'south Open Graph tags.

That being said, sometimes Yoast WordPress SEO itself is non uniform with your particular server or set up for some reason.

Make Sure You Have the Latest Version of Yoast SEO (or other Open Graph Plugin) Installed

We use Yoast WordPress SEO to handle our Open Graph information, and our Open Graph images stopped working a few months ago for unknown reasons.

To get the images to work once more, we had to add another plugin, Facebook Open Graph, Google+ and Twitter Menu Tags. We have previously used this plugin in conjunction with the Yoast SEO plugin with no problem. We still oasis't totally figured out what happened.

Update: In Apr 2016, our Open Graph information would non refresh at the Facebook Debugger. I checked and nosotros were not running the latest version of Yoast SEO. Once the Yoast SEO plugin was updated, the Open up Graph data refreshed at the Facebook always check that your plugins are up to date.

All-time Practices Going Forrad and Why Open Graph Info Matters

Well Formatted Social Media Posts Earn More Engagement

When yous share a mail on Facebook, if it is accompanied by a well formatted Open up Graphepitome and description, it is far more than probable to be clicked and shared by users. Make sure you are putting your all-time human foot forward by specifying what these should be.

Your Business Will Appear More Polished on Social Media

If you are taking the time to keep up with your business blog and content marketing, don't waste the effort past non paying attention to what gets published on social media channels.

If you write an crawly post, the side by side step in the process is to promote that post on social media. You dutifully share the post on Facebook expecting information technology to await like this:

Facebook Share Using Open Graph Data

....and instead, you lot get something like this...

Facebook Share Image Wrong

Non simply will this type of social mail earn less engagement than a well-formatted one, information technology looks less professional person.

So, always make sure you set your Open up Graph tags for every piece of content you publish on your site. That means a little extra care needs to be taken creating an constructive image, description and title, but information technology is worth the effort.

If your website is built using WordPress, read our guide on how to gear up Open up Graph Tags in WordPress

Facebook Login Button Doesn't Work on Mixcloud?



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